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Need To Reduce Customer Churn? Explore These 6 Simple Tips

11 December, 2023 6 min read
Need To Reduce Customer Churn? Explore These 6 Simple Tips

It is indeed a fortunate situation for any business when their customers continue to utilize their products or services for a long time. It indicates that they stand tall on customer expectations and are on the path of exponential growth. However, it is not easy to achieve higher customer retention.

There are multiple competitors in every industry, so the customer obviously gets to choose after comparing the price or quality offered by a business. So, even a slight compromise with production or marketing can lead to a higher churn rate for a business. Let us dig deeper and understand what churn rate is and how to reduce customer churn to run a successful business.

What Is Customer Churn?

Customer churn refers to the rate at which customers stop doing business with a company over a certain period.

It is a crucial metric of business, especially in subscription-based business models as it indicates the rate of customer churn and can directly impact revenue and profitability.

Lowering churn rates typically involves strategies aimed at improving customer satisfaction, loyalty, and overall experience to retain customers for longer periods.

What is the Customer Churn Rate?

The churn rate is the percentage of customers who stopped using your products or services in a given period. If you check how many customers discontinued your services in the past three months and divide it by the total number of consumers, you can calculate the churn rate.

The Churn Rate Formula

So, if 100 customers churned in the last three months and you had a total of 1000 customers, your churn rate would be 10%.

Churn Rate: (Customers lost in period / Total customers at the beginning of the period) * 100

What Are The Causes Of Customer Churn?

Let us look at 5 causes of customer churn:

1. Attracting Bad-Fit Customers

Closing the wrong deals in SaaS often diverts resources from potential successes to unsuitable customers. Preventing customer churn involves asking your customers upfront questions to grasp their needs. By understanding the customer problems and challenges early on, companies can target the right audience and reduce churn.

2. Problems With The Product

If there are issues with your product like navigating issues or poor UI, customers might get frustrated with your product and may leave.

3. Poor Onboarding

If it is too complicated to start using and working with a product and service, customers might give up and go elsewhere.

4. High On The Pricing Side

If the cost of your product or service is too high or there are hidden fees, customers might switch to cheaper alternatives.

5. Not Meeting Expectations

If you do not live up to customer’s expectations, such as not delivering what was promised, customers might lose trust and stop using your product.

What Are The Types Of Customer Churn?

Let us look at different types of customer churn:

1. Voluntary Churn/ Active Churn

This occurs when customers actively choose their relationship to end with the company. Reasons for voluntary churn can include dissatisfaction with the product or service, finding a better alternative, or changes in the customer's needs or circumstances.

2. Involuntary Churn/ Passive Churn

Involuntary churn happens when customers are lost due to reasons beyond their control, such as payment issues or changes in business ownership and management.

Why Is It Important To Reduce Churn?

1. Revenue Stability

Lower churn rates ensure consistent revenue streams, contributing to financial stability and predictability for the business.

2. Cost Efficiency

Acquiring new customers is more expensive than retaining existing ones. By reducing churn, businesses can save on acquisition costs and allocate resources more efficiently.

3. Customer Lifetime Value

Retaining the customers over a longer period increases their lifetime value to the business, as they continue to generate revenue through repeated purchases and subscriptions.

4. Brand Reputation

High churn rates negatively impact the brand reputation and credibility of a company. A low churn rate indicates satisfied customers who trust and recommend the brand, ultimately enhancing brand reputation and providing a competitive edge.

5. Operational Efficiency

Stable customer retention allows businesses to focus resources on improving products, services, and customer experiences rather than constantly addressing the replacement of churned customers.

Tips To Reduce Churn Rate and Increase Customer Retention

The lower the churn rate, the higher your customer retention rate will be. Hence, you can use the tips listed below to reduce customer churn and experience exponential business growth.

1. Learn About Your Audience

If you study customer behavior carefully, you can determine who will likely churn. Check the purchase patterns and see which customer has started indulging less. This way, you will learn the potential churns and can strategize to keep them indulging with your products. Try offering them a unique discount or plan other tactics to eliminate their chances of moving to another brand. Reach out to them through emails, SMS, or another mode to make them feel valued and give them reasons to keep sticking to your business.

2. Keep Active Communication

Always remember, out of sight is out of mind! If your customers don’t hear from you for months, they will forget about you. Especially when there are multiple options in every industry, your customers will not even miss you! So, it is crucial to keep active communication with your consumers. You can try different social media platforms where your target audience follows you. Keep posting relevant content on these social media platforms to ensure your customers hear from you every day! This way, you will stay right in front of their eyes, and the chances of them turning away will reduce.

3. Incentives Can Work

Who wouldn’t like some additional perks along with the purchase? Or a surprise price drop just when they plan to buy something? This strategy works best to reduce customer churn. The best way to give incentives is to curate them strategically. Keep track of customer data and learn about important dates like birthdays and anniversaries. Automate the emails to congratulate the valuable customers and offer them a surprise incentive to celebrate their day. It will push them towards making a new purchase. Moreover, it will help strengthen their bond with the brand as they feel acknowledged and valued.

4. Ask For Feedback

Another tip to reduce the churn rate is to keep your customers involved. Be all ears and ask them for their feedback. Let your customers speak about their experience with your brand and use it constructively. Make sure to plan a few changes based on your customer reviews, as it will make them feel involved. It is fair to say that involvement works best to reduce the churning rate.

5. Study your Churn Effectively

Keep track of your customer churn by measuring it frequently. This way, you can learn the patterns and take productive actions on time. If you see your churn rate increasing significantly in the past many months, there is something you should change with immediate effect. So, keep track of these reports with the help of customer success platforms like ZapScale and study them frequently to push your business toward growth.

6. Strong Customer Support

Customer support is an indispensable part of business growth. Hence, ensure you provide your customers with satisfactory support to increase your retention rate. Hire qualified professionals in your customer support team and train them to work with a vision to offer instant and satisfactory solutions to every consumer.


Understand that retaining your existing customers is equally significant to gaining new ones. So, make sure you put in the required effort to ensure most of your already existing buyers stick with you. With these simple yet effective tips, you can align the tasks and see visible improvement in your customer retention rate. Keep measuring the rate frequently to get an assurance that your efforts are working in the right direction and enjoy the exponential growth in your business.


1. How can I determine if a customer is at risk of churning?

Monitor several key indicators such as decreased product usage, lower engagement with your platform, negative feedback from surveys, and declining purchase activity. These signs often signal a customer’s potential to churn.

2. What role does customer feedback play in identifying churn?

Customer feedback is crucial as it provides direct insights into satisfaction levels and potential issues. Regularly collecting feedback through surveys and reviews helps in pinpointing dissatisfied customers who may be considering churn.

3. How can predictive analytics help in identifying churn early?

Predictive analytics analyzes historical data to identify patterns and behavior associated with churn. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, businesses can proactively identify at-risk customers based on their past interactions and behaviors, allowing for timely interventions to mitigate churn.

Predict churn accurately with ZapScale


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Shivam Kharwal

Shivam Kharwal is the Content Head at ZapScale. He has over 5 years of experience in building brand identity and online presence through the creation and distribution of multimedia content online.

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