Customer Journey Completion Rate

8 June, 2024 1 min read

What Is Customer Journey Completion Rate?

It measures the percentage of customers who successfully navigate and complete your desired journey, like signing up, making a purchase, or achieving a specific goal..

A high rate indicates a smooth and effective experience, leading to higher satisfaction, conversion, and retention

Analyzing completion rates across different journey stages helps identify friction points and areas for improvement.

How To Calculate Customer Journey Completion Rate?

The formula varies depending on the specific journey you're tracking:

Overall completion: (No. of Customers Completing Journey / No. of Customers Starting Journey) x 100%
Stage-specific completion: (No. of Customers Reaching Stage / No. of Customers Entering Stage) x 100%

Track user progress through your analytics platform, CRM system, or journey mapping tools.

An Example of Customer Journey Completion Rate

An e-commerce website has a signup process with 3 steps: email address, password, and payment information.

100 users start the signup, 80 complete the first step, 60 reach the payment stage, and 45 successfully complete the purchase.

Overall completion rate: (45 / 100) x 100% = 45%
Step 1 completion rate: (80 / 100) x 100% = 80%
Step 2 completion rate: (60 / 80) x 100% = 75%
Step 3 completion rate: (45 / 60) x 100% = 75%

Insights on Customer Journey Completion Rate

Understanding the journey completion rate enables you to:

  • Identify drop-off points and bottlenecks in your customer journey
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of different journey stages and touchpoints
  • Prioritize improvements based on impact and potential user impact
  • Measure the overall effectiveness of your marketing, conversion, and onboarding efforts

Additional Considerations for Customer Journey Completion Rate

  • Track completion rates for different customer segments and journey types
  • Use heatmaps and session recordings to understand user behavior at each stage
  • Conduct user interviews and surveys to gather feedback on pain points and suggestions
  • A/B test different journey elements like forms, CTAs, and content to optimize for higher completion rates
  • Consider the context of your journey: Some journeys, like free trials, may naturally have lower completion rates than purchases
Note: A high customer journey completion rate signifies a well-designed and optimized experience. By actively monitoring, analyzing, and improving your journey completion rates, you can boost conversions, reduce friction, and delight your customers across every step of their interaction with your brand.


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